Friday 2 December 2011

Roti telur~

This was the first time I had a little supper here at Tanjong Malim. After the night class for tonight, my friends decided to have a supper at a mamak store. However, I can’t attend with them due to some reasons. When my friends and house mates came back from supper, they bought me a roti telur which is the food I haven’t eat for a period of time.
Besides the traditional Indian food and my favorite, roti canai, roti telur is my second choice of the Indian food. Actually there are many types of roti, but I rarely try the others besides roti canai and roti telur because I afraid that I can’t accept the special smell of the food. I was so full after ate my supper, but it was late now, I had to sleep as well soon. Everyone have a nice day.

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